E-Government a.k.a. electronic government, digital government or online government. E-Government uses of the information and communication technology to provide and improve government services, transaction, and interactions with citizens, businesses as well as other government sectors. Malaysia have implemented E-Government since 1996 which was initiated by
Multimedia Super Corridoor(MSC) by Malaysian Government. The application of this system tends to imrpove the government operations internally and externally thus how its delivery services to the citizens where enabling government, businesses and citizens to work together for the benefits of Malaysia and of all its citizens. The followings indicate the 7 pilot projects of the Electronic Government Flagship Application:
- Project Monitoring System (SPP II) is an online system that monitors the entire lifecycle of national programs from project application to approval to implementation. The objectives of SPP II are:
- To support and monitor the entire lifecycle of Malaysi's 5-Year develoment program.
- To have quality projects
- To provide platform for exchanging ideas and demostrating best practices models in project implementation - Human Resouce Management Information System (HRMIS) act as an integrated, technology-enabled HRMIS for Malaysian Public Service. The main objectives of HRMIS are:
- Effective staffing and right-sizing of civil service
- Up-to-data consolidated HR data for effective information planning
- Improving paperless HRM capabilities - Generic Office Environment (GOE) is a powerful document and office management solution that enable users to effectively and efficienly their office environment.
- Electronic Procurement (EP) is used to re-engineer, transform and automate the current procurement system such as contral contract, direct purchase and tender. EP also increase tranparency, time and cost saving while encouraging suppliers to go electronic and join the K-Economy.
- Electronic Services Directory (E-services) provides a platform for the citizens to make transactions with the government and utilities payment. For example, Telecom Malaysia (TM) enabled citizens to make their payment through online.
- Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX) improves the mobilization of human resources and optimize work force utilization through systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies.
- E-Syariah is implemented to improve the quality of service in Syariah Courts.

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